Mission: Nourish young learners by filling the gap for under served, year-round students.
Grow Our Kids is focused on taking childhood hunger out of the equation so that kiddos in difficult situations can thrive as early learners.
We serve our mission by creating and running year-round programs in coordination with year-round local schools. While incredible summer, weekend, and holiday programs exist serving traditional calendar schools, no other programs exist in our area that serve the particular needs of year-round children who go on 3-to-4 week long "track-out" breaks every quarter. This presents a very real, very large gap in our community particularly in the fall, winter, and spring months when the traditional summer programs are shuttered. Year-round families are left without resources and children often go hungry. We hope to nourish young minds and bodies so that food-insecure children can return from track-out breaks poised to succeed in the classroom.
Grow Our Kids is an all-volunteer, 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization born in North Carolina.