Most needed items: canned tuna/chicken, mac n' cheese, PB&J, healthy cereal, healthy snacks, granola bars, cereal bars, rice, dried beans, shelf-stable potatoes, canned fruit/fruit cups
Breakfast Food
Nutritious cereals, oatmeal, & whole grain fruit bars
Wholesome Food
Peanut butter and jelly, dried rice, dried beans, pasta & pasta sauce, mac n' cheese, shelf-stable potatoes
Healthy Snacks
Apple sauce, crackers, fruit cups, granola bars, etc.
Canned Goods
Canned chicken, beans, fruits, healthy soups and stews (we do NOT need canned corn or green beans)
We use a LOT of paper bags for food distribution. You can collect these for us as you grocery shop! Just let us know when you have a good pile! (We'll love you even more, if you double bag them for us...)
Grocery Store Gift Cards
Any amount is appreciated!
Fresh Produce
Apples, oranges, potatoes, bananas, onions, lettuce, cucumbers, etc. Don’t forget your excess CSA produce! Note that with produce, we do need to coordinate timing so that it remains fresh for delivery.