Comments from the Community
“We are very grateful for all of your help, thank you. God bless you for all of the help you give my family” – Apex, NC, Grow Our Kids
“I didn’t know how I was going to feed my kids” – Apex, NC, Grow Our Kids
“One of the moms, who was not home when I dropped off the food, called the school to tell us how grateful she is for our help and that it made her day to come home to a kitchen full of food” – Apex, NC, Grow Our Kids
“I just finished my deliveries and I wanted to tell you thank you for the stuffed animals. When I gave them to the kids they lit up. It was so sweet, they just kept hugging them and dancing around the room with them. Thank you for all of the things you do to help make our kiddos lives better!! – Melissa Steadman, MSW School Social Worker for Salem Elementary, Grow Our Kids
“The children come up to me at schools asking when they’ll get to have strawberries again, the LOVE all of the fresh fruit you provide, it’s such a treat for them!” – Jennifer Michot, Guidance Counselor Oak Grove ES, Grow Our Kids
“Good nutrition is critical in the first years of life, and childhood food insecurity can lead to developmental, health and behavioral problems, as well as making it more difficult to concentrate and do well in school” – Interfaith Food Shuttle
“It’s not just parents who are worrying about this. One thing we heard repeatedly in our focus group interviews that surprised us – and saddened us – was older children telling us how they skipped meals or took only small portions on order to save food for their younger siblings, even though they were hungry” – No Kid Hungry, “Hunger in our Schools” report